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Borgo Medievale Peccioli
8 Units
5 Restaurants
4 Bars
1 Swimming pool
1 Multi-storey underground car park
Arianna & Friends
Borgo Medievale Peccioli
Borgo Medievale Peccioli
Borgo Medievale Peccioli
Services for the guests of Peccioli

The Medieval Village of Peccioli is a small town with a population of only 2,500 , where services including the following are at the disposal of guests:
9 apartments, of different size, all in the historical center of the town
3 restaurants of Tuscan specialties
2 pizzerias
1 reception
1 Tourist Information Office


10 food shops
1 minimarket
1 pharmacy
3 tobacconists
2 newsstands

3 museums situated in historical buildings in the town
Public places with free WIFI
1 media library for book and media consultation and rental
1 tourist information office with free WIFI and free use of a PC

20 different kinds of excursions and activities around wine, food and local attractions
1 outdoor public pool at the municipal sporting facilities
2 tennis courts at the municipal sporting facilities
1 biking track 7km long
5 trekking or biking nature trails with maps
2 massage centers  

1 multi-storey car park with lift to the hilltop old town
4 free outdoor car parks around the old town
Public bus service to and from Pontedera and Volterra
Private car rental service with or without chauffeur


Associazione Nazionale - Alberghi Diffusi Borgo Medievale Peccioli Borgo Medievale Peccioli
Borgo Medievale Peccioli

Borgo Medievale di Peccioli

by Arianna & Friends Srl
 - Viale G. Mazzini, 71 - 56037 - Peccioli (Pisa) - Italy - 
P.IVA. 01835170505 - Tel. +39 0587 672932 - Email.
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