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Borgo Medievale Peccioli
8 Units
5 Restaurants
4 Bars
1 Swimming pool
1 Multi-storey underground car park
Arianna & Friends
Borgo Medievale Peccioli
Borgo Medievale Peccioli
Borgo Medievale Peccioli
The medieval village of Peccioli


"The Medieval Village of Peccioli – A Village as your Hotel in Tuscany” is an initiative of the tour operator Arianna & Friends, a small company focusing on leisure activities for visitors to Tuscany and specifically to the Valdera region.

The project offers accommodation in the village of Peccioli and is aimed at visitors who wish to experience the authentic Tuscany in a most picturesque setting... The Medieval Village of Peccioli is, in fact, a small panoramic hamlet on the Pisan Hills with a strong rural identity. It is inhabited by only a few thousand people who make up an old and very cohesive community.

"In Peccioli people are identified by their nicknames and several places in the village have non official names, often known by the locals only."

                                                                      IN PECCIOLI YOU FIND

Rooms are all the same with no soul                                                                       All rooms are different and have a history



Anonymous corridors to your room                                                                      Charming lanes to your apartment



Artificial courtyards                                                                                                Squares with local people



Snack bar with imported food                                                                                 Little deli shop with local food



A simple elevator like many other ones                                                                  A panoramic elevator from the underground                                                                                                                                 car park to the lanes in town



A terrace on the rooftop                                                                                            A terrace on the top of the village



Streets full of tourists                                                                                                 Lanes full of Pecciolesi



Same old breakfast rooms                                                                                          Your pastry makers available



The concierge                                                                                                               The Reception of the Village


The idea of developing a hotel in the center of the village is aimed at travellers who would like to be "pecciolesi" for a while. The village has very comfortable accommodation units in the old neighbourhood, enabling visitors to be surrounded by the local people and immersed in their daily life... For visitors, the village of Peccioli offers many services such as bars, restaurants, a public swimming pool and sporting facilities, a multistorey car park, several food shops, a library. In addition local festivals provide the perfect opportunity for socializing.
The promotion and management of the project is carried out by the staff of Arianna & Friends, who are able to assist visitors in Italian, English, German, French, Spanish and Russian.

Associazione Nazionale - Alberghi Diffusi Borgo Medievale Peccioli Borgo Medievale Peccioli
Borgo Medievale Peccioli

Borgo Medievale di Peccioli

by Arianna & Friends Srl
 - Viale G. Mazzini, 71 - 56037 - Peccioli (Pisa) - Italy - 
P.IVA. 01835170505 - Tel. +39 0587 672932 - Email.
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